How we can help

Commissioned by the NHS and Department of Education.

Our collaborative approach to managing waiting lists in and around the health service, allows efficient use of funding and helps to reduce waiting times.

We strongly believe through research and experience that:

  • We must challenge the narrative of the Transforming Care Programme which has led to an adult focus with children’s services being included as an afterthought.
  • More emphasis is needed from children’s services on Preparing for Adulthood (PfA).
  • There are big gaps remaining in the current structure of support for families.

When you commission us, we will work with you to ensure that these aspects are in scope, and you and your stakeholders are at the forefront of our approach.

Our service delivery model has:

  • A clear and progressive vision and set of values
  • Strong, knowledgeable, and empowered leadership
  • Continued training and development of our staff
  • An evidence-based service model with highly skilled clinicians and support staff
  • Evidence-based commissioning support
  • Strong relationships and a ‘no-blame’ culture driving collaborative partnership working across Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)

We have delivered services both to NHS Providers and NHS/LA commissioners.

Case Study A

References available

A large NHS Provider Trust in East London commissioned our service to deliver neurodevelopmental assessments on the Under-Fives Pathway. The service we delivered was in line with the Multidisciplinary approach under NICE guidance. We offered a blended model of virtual and face-to-face appointments and physical health screening. We are providing ongoing post diagnostic support.


All assessments were completed within the commissioned timeframe and there was 100% satisfaction from families surveyed. Weekly MDT meetings were held with the provider, and both our clinical and operational teams.

Case Study B

References available

Local authority commissioners commissioned our service to carry out primary school-aged neurodevelopmental assessments. NICE concordant assessments were delivered with regular co-produced MDT reviews of all cases.


There was 100% satisfaction from families surveyed. All assessments were carried out in an 8-week time frame with full reports arriving four to six weeks later.